Customer reviews and ratings


Restaurant reviews and ratings

Giving restaurants the ability to view not only their ratings, which they could already see as a plain number, might not seem like a bit deal. However, we were missing out on surfacing the raw customer feedback we were collecting to them.

Initially, we had a lot of pushback from account managers across different markets for this feature, who were worried visibility of negative feedback would mean more churn. But after lots of conversations and a 2 month long stage of testing, we were finally able to launch. And the partner feedback couldn’t be better. We monitored this through a beta launch, followed by a global launch, all while collecting feedback from partners directly through forms and indirectly through account managers. You can’t fake reactions like this. 

Why do it?

  • So we can provide our restaurant partners with verbatim reviews and ratings that mirror the customer app.

  • Decision-makers want control over their own growth on Deliveroo

  • It was the top data ask mentioned unprompted in our customer interviews

  • They believe we are withholding information strategically to avoid sharing our customers

Where we went